The future requirements of VHDCI connectors are faster, smaller, smarter and more environmentally friendly. However, each sub-sector has a different focus, such as the automotive industry needs to ensure the reliability and high quality of VHDCI connectors in harsh environments, for the consumer electronics industry, thin and light is the most important, followed by reliability, but the reliability of the two is not a level. The speed of consumer electronics products to a certain extent determines the other two special requirements: cost control and shorten the development cycle. In addition to technology iteration, the regional distribution of VHDCI connectors has also changed with the market share, and there are different degrees of skew. Over the years, the global VHDCI connector production capacity began to shift to Asia, especially China. Some analysts believe that Asia has become the VHDCI connector market has the most development potential, and China is expected to become the world's fastest-growing VHDCI connector and larger capacity of the market. In the past, most of the VHDCI connector suppliers to take advantage of China's low production costs, now they will be more thinking about how to serve this emerging market. TE to the answer is the original "rely on China's manufacturing" mode of transformation "for China's intellectual property The answer is to transform the original "rely on China's manufacturing" model to "build for China".
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