
What are the causes of electronic wiring harness failures and how to detect them?

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During the operation of electronic wiring harness, failures will always occur for various reasons. Common problems include poor connector contact, short circuit between wires, open circuit, ground, etc.

So, what are the causes of electronic wiring harness failures? 1. The natural aging or damage of the wiring harness has exceeded the service life. The insulation layer of the wiring harness begins to crack slowly, and the mechanical strength begins to decrease. After a long time, it will simply lead to short circuit, open circuit, grounding and other problems between wires.


2. Oxidation of wiring harness terminals. When the wiring harness terminals are completely oxidized, they may have been deformed, which will also cause poor contact or short circuit of the wiring harness, and then cause failure of the wiring harness. 3. Failure of electrical equipment Another situation is that the electrical equipment is overloaded and short-circuited, which then leads to failure of the wiring harness. 4. One of the causes of the problem after human reasons is improper human operation, such as unreasonable location of the wiring harness device, incorrect wiring between the wiring harness and electrical equipment, damage to the wiring harness components during maintenance, etc. Detection and identification of electronic wiring harness faults: Grounding: The rule for electronic wiring harness burnout is that in the circuit of the power supply system, wherever there is ground, the electronic wiring harness will burn. The junction of the burned-out and intact parts can be considered to be the place. The wire is grounded; If the electronic wire harness burns out to the wiring part of an electrical equipment, it indicates that the electrical equipment is defective. Short circuit: The electronic wiring harness is externally kneaded and impacted, causing damage to the wire insulation layer in the electronic wiring harness, resulting in a short circuit between the wires, causing some electrical equipment to lose control and the safety wire to blow. When discriminating, you can disassemble the electronic wiring harness connectors at both ends of the electrical equipment and the control switch, and use an electricity meter or test lamp to detect the short circuit of the circuit.

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