
What is a floating connector? What are all the features?

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What is a floating connector? A "floating connector" is an electromechanical interconnect that can often be used to eliminate misalignment that occurs when mounting interfaces on PCBs in the "x" and "y" directions. With the help of the floating structure inside the connector, damage to various components on the PCB (such as solder joints and other connector interfaces) can be effectively prevented. In particular, it eliminates the misalignment phenomenon in the "x" and "y" directions during PCB mounting and assembly. As part of the overall PCB design process, it is particularly important to take into account all relevant dimensions and tolerances associated with them. Examples: screw holes, floating and rigid connector sides, and interfaces between PCB and SMT connector contacts. With the gradual advancement of miniaturization, this has greatly promoted the demand for size reduction, while also limiting the area of PCB. All these make solutions in robotic automatic assembly and finer pitch connection necessary.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1. What are the characteristics of floating connectors? : Fitting rail structure (X/Y ± 1 mm) This floating connector has a special fitting rail structure (X/Y ± 1 mm) for correct alignment during PCB assembly.

Floating range (x/y ± 0. 5 mm) An effective x-and y-direction floating range (± 0. 5 mm) allows the insulator to move and fit correctly on its opposite side.

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