Compatible / Replacement for JST | Japan Crimp Terminal | Japan Crimp Terminal Connector | 22FHSY-RSM1-GAN-TB board to FPC connector is a: package height 0.9mm low back type, is corresponding to the 0...
Since its founding in 1970, Shun Sheng has developed and introduced thousands of new connector products for a wide range of applications. In order to fulfill its commitment to customers, Shun Sheng ha...
AB Connectors is one of the world's leading manufacturers of innovative connectors and interconnect solutions for high performance and harsh environment interconnects for the military, aerospace, comm...
SCG is committed to becoming a world-renowned brand for supplying electronic connectors with superior technology and quality.SCG's products are mainly FPC connectors, with a full range of product spec...
Compatible / Replacement HRS|Hirose|Hirose|Hirose Connectors|FH12-25S-0.5SHFPC/FFC connector is a: 0.5 mm pitch, height 2.0 mm bottom contact, front flip type; its main features and benefits are: 1. R...
What kind of company is Hirose and what are its specific products? :Hirose Electric Co., Ltd. is an electronic components manufacturer based in Japan. Founded in 1937, the company is a global leader i...
Compatible / Replacement Japan Crimp Terminal |JST|Japan Crimp Terminal Connector |20FLZ-SM2-TB|FFC/FPC connector is a: package height of 2.0mm, pitch 0.5mm compact design using ZI can effectively imp...
TE Connectivity/ Intercontec power, hybrid and signal connectors support modular machine designs and are therefore very compatible and can be used in a variety of different combinations.TE Connectivit...
Compatible/Replacement HRS|Hirose|Hirose|Hirose Connectors|FH12-24S-0.5SHFPC/FFC connector is a: 0.5 mm pitch, height 2.0 mm bottom contact, front flip type; its main features and benefits are: 1. Rot...
Compatible/Replacement Japan Crimp Terminal|JST|Japan Crimp Terminal Connector|13FLZ-RSM2-TB|FFC/FPC Connector is a compact design with a package height of 2.0mm and a pitch of 0.5mm using a Z-type co...